Feast on your weakness or starve on your ego.
Providing Places for People to Flourish
“We have come to see that profitability and human development are part of a single whole.” This governing philosophy guides the work of The Decurion Corporation, one of the largest revenue-
generating property owners, movie theater and real estate development companies on the West Coast, A privately held corporation, Decurion operates Robertson Properties Group, Pacific Theaters, ArcLight Cinemas and Hollybrook Senior Living, among other concerns. Here’s a sampling of their operating philosophy that’s deeply embedded in the structures, systems, and practices of their businesses:
“Decurion’s purpose, the fundamental reason it exists, is to provide places for people to flourish.
By ‘flourish’ we mean to become fully oneself, which includes living an undivided life and growing into what one is meant to be.
We believe that every human being has something unique to express (perhaps several unique things
over the course of a lifetime).
While building each of our businesses to world-class standards, we seek to create the conditions in which that expression will emerge.
Flourishing is the process of living into one’s unique contribution. We expect to do this through our work.”
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