Grow your people faster

The Developmental Edge rapidly accelerates employee, team and company growth.

Our proprietary systems are rooted in the ground-breaking work of TDE Chief Knowledge Officers Dr. Robert Kegan & Dr. Lisa Lahey. We help adults to undergo transformational psychological changes, allowing them to meet the more complex demands of work.

TDE’s CEO Andy Fleming and team built on this deep understanding to create The Developmental Sprint®, and other models, through which companies gain more capable people who are better equipped to drive company revenue and rise to new challenges.

Unlock your organization’s true potential.

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Get to Growth with the Developmental Sprint®

What Trajectory is Your Company On?

Today, right now, what growth trajectory is your business on?
How involved is every employee in accelerating that growth curve?

If you’re not sure, we can tell you. You’re on the flatter curve. Those on the accelerating curve already know it because they deliberately chose it. Which path will you choose?

I choose to accelerate growth. Learn more

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Clients are Partners

We Develop Growth Cultures

Building a Healthy Culture

We really are improving individually… improving as a corporation. In the last two years, we’ve had growth basically tripling the size of the company.

I’m absolutely convinced that without this methodology, and without this ability to communicate more openly, we would have stumbled all over ourselves… Instead, we survive, we thrive, we continue to grow.

– Dr. George Rapier, Founder, Chairman & CEO of WellMed
Dr. George Rapier at 2017’s DDO® Conference
Developmental Scrum improves tech company’s communication

Agile People Development

I believe there is a huge unmet demand for the Developmental Sprint® methodology in software companies. There is Agile to run projects. That’s been around for a while. What’s new and so needed is the DDO® ethos to run companies and Developmental Sprints® to develop people. In each case, you are constantly iterating to get better, to improve the outcome, the company and the people within it. I believe this will become the industry standard because it is the only way for software companies to stay relevant. We must become our own Developmental Scrum.

– Nick Gluzdov, CEO, Speed & Function

Writing a New Chapter of Growth

We’ve won awards for being one of the 100 Best Companies to Work for in Texas and Virginia, multiple times. But that isn’t enough. We don’t want to just be the best place to work. We want to be the best place to grow. When I read An Everyone Culture and then talked with Andy Fleming, it clicked.

This is the best method for culture building and associate development. There is nothing else like it out there. And it doesn’t just work in theory; we’ve used the Developmental Sprint® process for the past year with a growing number of leaders and are thrilled with the results. While we’ve experienced record growth in revenue and profits, our developmental work has helped our company, my leadership team, and me keep getting better at getting better.

– Drew Clancey, CEO, Publishing Concepts Inc.
PCI CEO Drew Clancey elevates his team through Developmental Sprints®.
Seth McDaniel responding to his own Live360

Adding Up to Greatness

The Live360+ Developmental Sprint® process is a positive, frank experience where people receive thoughtful feedback directly from their colleagues in a way that builds a commitment to action and stronger relationships. Then, instead of sitting on the feedback or wondering what to do with it, those employees immediately roll into a Development Sprint® where they gain immediate traction on their improvement goal.

– Seth McDaniel, Managing Partner, Frazier & Deeter CPA
We know how to help people get better at getting better

Our Founders are The Authorities

Every CEO Should Read An Everyone Culture

Our Team Literally Wrote the Book on Growth Culture

Written by TDE’s founders and team, An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization demonstrates how to integrate individual and organizational development to generate breakthrough performance and superior results:

  • Better financial performance
  • Greater cross-functional communication
  • Stronger teams
  • Culture of innovation
  • Increased employee engagement and retention


Preparing Your Organization for Success

What is a Deliberately Developmental Organization®?

In our book An Everyone Culture, we coined the phrase Deliberately Developmental Organization® (DDO®) to identify those companies where business growth and human growth are viewed as one thing; where constant improvement includes improving how you improve (a capability we call Developmental Intelligence); and where a company-specific system of developmentally intelligent principles, policies, and practices drives the whole enterprise, including all of its people, forward and upward at an accelerating rate.   Since the book’s publication, we have developed and refined a process for comprehensively infusing Developmental Intelligence into organizations.  There are very specific gains when a company decides to become a DDO®:

  • More adaptable and capable people whose higher levels of Developmental Intelligence better equip them to drive company goals and revenue and to develop themselves and others
  • Higher levels of engagement and ownership
  • Attractive recruiting points and higher retention levels
  • Sustained impact on performance and financial results; TDE has seen a minimum of 2X company revenue in four years or less

Interested in Starting?

To give organizations and teams a taste of what being a Deliberately Developmental Organization® could mean for your company, we developed three offerings:

  • The Developmental Sprint®, a 4-week, proprietary methodology in which participants gain immediate traction on their most pressing improvement goals and experience what it means to operate according to key DDO® principles and practices
  • Growth Culture Workshop, an immersive and inspirational 1-day experience where participants gain a rich understanding of the DDO® concept, participate in a powerful personal improvement exercise, and gain fresh insight into the developmental health of the organization
  • Growth Culture Indicator®, a proprietary diagnostic tool based on the groundbreaking research of An Everyone Culture that helps you to understand the degree to which your everyday culture accelerates people development
Speak with our experts on how this could work for your company. Learn more
Strive to be More Deliberately Developmental

Leading Edge Companies are Taking Notice

TDE has helped Fortune 1000 and high-growth companies to unlock their full potential. Growth Culture Workshops and Developmental Sprints® have helped these firms and their employees to get better at getting better at work every day.

Get better at getting better

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Get better at getting better

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Get better at getting better

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Get better at getting better

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Get better at getting better

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Get better at getting better

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Get better at getting better

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